Sunday, February 27, 2011

February 28, March 1

Procedural Writing.  Year 7, a step-by-step plan is not hard to do.  Let's practice.

First, let's look at the coloured strips of paper.  They consist of a yummy recipe for chocolate cake.  We will work in pairs and put the strips of paper in order.

Next, we will write the recipe on the Worksheet that I will distribute.

Finally, we will look at the link below to gather ideas on bookmark making

Under test conditions you will follow the step-by-step plan that I have prepared and you will produce a bookmark;-)

Bookmark Instructions:

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

February 15, 22

Year 7 it all begins with a plan!

PLAN - Criterion C
1. Resources: Computer, Word 2010, Design Specification, Chosen Design.

2. Now, make a step-by-step plan of what you will do to create your pamphlet using Word 2010   AND estimate how long it will take you.

    1.  Open Word 2010, 1 minute
    2.  Select Page Layout and change the Orientation to Landscape, 1 minute

Continue on until you have completed all the steps you think you will need and the time that it will take you. (You may open Word 2010 and practice while you are making the plan.)

Finish your step by step plan.

Write a paragraph saying why you think your plan will work. Include the fact that you have done a tutorial and have had experience using Word 2010;-)

Learning objectives: devleop a basic time line and write instructions for making the product/solution.

Sunday, February 13, 2011

February 14


1.  15 minutes typing

2.  Continue on and finish creating all three designs.  You should have 3 designs completed by the end of class today.

Remember that each of the designs should meet YOUR design specification. Everyone's design specification is different so look at your Investigation to see your exact design specification.

3.  Then look at the Design Template tab at the top of this blog and create a document following that template to submit along with your 3 designs.

4.  Cool site I want you to know about - we will visit this when everyone has completed all their work.  You will love it Year 7.

Learning Objective:  The student will create designs and communicate them using different forms and conventions, and compare the designs against the design specification.

Friday, February 11, 2011

February 11

Year 7, Happy Friday!

1.  15 minutes typing,
2.  Design - Criterion B - Maximum 6 points

First, we will look at Microsoft Publisher 2010 tri-fold pamphlets to get instructions that will help us organize our information on our tri-fold pamphlets;

Then, we will each get 3 sheets of paper, fold them into thirds and we will design 3 different possible tri-fold pamphlets.  Let's go Year 7!!!

Learning Objective:  The student will be able to: generate several feasible designs that meet the design specification.

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

February 8

Year 7,

1.  15 minutes typing
2.  Finish all work on your Investigation, print it and submit it,

3.  Then continue practicing using the advanced features we learned in Microsoft Word 2010.