Friday, December 31, 2010

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

December 14

Year 7 - HO, HO, HO 
It's almost time for a well deserved holiday break.

But before we go. . .

1.  15 minutes of typing
2.  Let's make snowflakes online.  You can print them too 
3.  Decorate a virtual Christmas cookie.  You can share them with your friends;-)

Sunday, December 5, 2010

December 6

Year 7

1.  20 minutes typing - remember, this means 20 minutes;-)
2.  Review what we have already learned,
3.  Worksheet 3 - What is the World Wide Web?,

  Now, let's use the internet

4.  Now, let's move on to communicating with others in a positive way. Do you have an email address?  Do you know the email address of a parent, sibling, or friend?   Let's send someone an ecard!

5.  Do a keyword search on Google. 
Use this phrase as your keyword:   printable free christmas coloring pages for kids

6.  Choose one, print it out, and color it in.   Let's hang them around the room to give it a holiday feel.

Thursday, December 2, 2010

December 3

Year 7 

1).  15 minutes typing

Then, on to other matters.  Internet matters!   Web 2.0

2).  First, let's look at the infosheets that I have given you and talk about how YOU use the internet,

3).  Next, we will see how the internet works,

4.)  Finally, we will learn about the World Wide Web.

newbi, software, network, internet, ISP, server, router, website, url, address, hyperlink, web browser, home page

5.)  Now, let's move on to communicating with others in a positive way.  Let's send someone an ecard!

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

November 23, 30

1.  15 minutes typing

2.  Internet Search

How can we find what we need on the internet?????  We do a keyword search?  But what exactly is that?  And where should we go?

Let's answer the following questions?

1.  What is a "search engine"?
2.  Name 2 search engines and include the URL for each.
3.  What language should you search in?

Let's get a bit of practice by doing some research;-)

Search Engines for kids
Ask for Kids -
Kidzui -
Yahoo for kids -
Google -

MSN Encarta -

Sunday, November 21, 2010

November 22

Year 7,

1.  Typing 15 minutes

2.  New Project

Wow!  We are starting a new unit of work today. 

The guiding question is: How can I help change the world? Our Area of Interaction is:  Environments.  We will try to answer the question:  How can technology influence the environment?    The product we will use Microsoft Word 2010 to create is a tri-fold pamphlet to raise awareness about an environment issue.

But before we go any further let's look at the videos.

Global Warming

Biodiversity and ecosystem losses - extinction of species


Water Shortages

Ocean Pollution

Now, I would like to you do research and choose a topic that you would like to educate others about.

Here are 2 links to get you started:

Sunday, November 14, 2010

November 16, 19

Year 7 - Today we will finish the EVALUATE

2.Write a (big) paragraph that considers the following:
            - based on the questionnaire answers, was your poster successful?
            - what impact will your poster have on people at OIS? 
            - if you were to do this same project again, explain how you would  improve your poster?

3.Write a paragraph that considers the following:
            -how was your work ethic throughout the Design Cycle? Did you work hard at every stage of the Design Cycle?  Did you have any problems at any stage of the Design Cycle? What will you do differently next term to improve your performance?

Learning objective:  The student will: carry out tests to compare the product/solution against the design specification; consider the success of the product/solution based on testing; consider the impact of the product/solution on the OIS community; explain how the product/solution could be improved.

Sunday, November 7, 2010

November 8, 9

Welcome back Year 7. I hope you had a great half-term break.

1. 15 minutes typing
2.  Finish your poster

Then it's on to EVALUATE - Criterion E

3.  Show your poster to the other students.  Then have them answer the questions that you created in the Investigation.
4.  Write a paragraph that considers the followsing:
            - based on the questionnaire answers, was your poster successful?
            - what impact will your poster have on people at OIS? 
            - if you were to do this same project again, explain how you would  improve your poster?

Learning objective:  The student will: carry out tests to compare the product/solution against the design specification; consider the success of the product/solution based on testing; consider the impact of the product/solution on the OIS community; explain how the product/solution could be improved.

November 1 - November 5

Have a great half-term!

Friday, October 29, 2010

October 29

Year 7.  I hope you had a good day yesterday.  Everyone has finished their posters and half-term break is only moments away.

Before you go, let's take another look at Halloween.  The scariest holiday of all!

go to:,_2005.htm

Monday, October 25, 2010

October 26. 29

Year 7,

1.  15 minutes typing,
2.  Follow your plan to create your poster

Let's try to finish your posters today before we go to Half-term break!!!!!

Learning Objective: The student will with guidance, consider the effectiveness of the plan and make suitable modifications AND understand the importance of plans and , with guidance, follow the plan to produce the product/solution.

Monday, October 18, 2010

October 19

Way 2 Go Year 7.  You kids ROCK.  You worked hard yesterday!!!

1.  Free typing for 15 minutes
2.  Finish paragraph evaluating PLAN (we started this yesterday).

3.  Begin to CREATE your poster. (hooray!!!!!!)  Use your plan and follow step-by-step.

Learning Objective: The student will with guidance, consider the effectiveness of the plan and make suitable modifications AND understand the importance of plans and , with guidance, follow the plan to produce the product/solution.

Friday, October 15, 2010

October 18

Year 7 it all begins with a plan!

PLAN - Criterion C
1. Resources: Computer, Word 2010, Design Specification, Chosen Design.

2. Now, make a step-by-step plan of what you will do to create your poster using Word 2010 and Smart Art  AND estimate how long it will take you.

    1.  Open Word 2010, 1 minute
    2.  Select Page Layout and change the Orientation to Landscape, 1 minute

Continue on until you have completed all the steps you think you will need and the time that it will take you. (You may open Word 2010 and practice while you are making the plan.)

Finish your step by step plan.

Write a paragraph saying why you think your plan will work. Include the fact that you have done a tutorial and have had experience using Smart Art;-)

Learning objectives: devleop a basic time line and write instructions for making the product/solution.

Sunday, October 10, 2010

October 12, 15

Good Morning Year 7

Continue on and create another design.  You should have 3 designs completed by the end of class on October 15.

Each of the designs should meet the design specification (includes all 5 stages of the design cycle, is colourful, and is kid-friendly).
Learning Objective:  The student will create designs and communicate them using different forms and conventions, and compare the designs against the design specification.

Sunday, October 3, 2010

October 4, 5

Year 7 - Happy Monday Morning!

1.  15 minutes typing,
2. onto the 2nd stage of the Design Cycle - Criterion B - DESIGN

With paper and markers, you are to make 3 possible designs that meet the design specification.  With paper and markers, and evaluate each against the design specification. 

Design Specification:  include all 5 stages of the design cycle, colourful, kid-friendly;-)


Name them Design 1, and Design 2.  
Make sure your name is on each design.
Then, evaluate both against the design specification. (*Example: Design 1 meets the design specification because it includes all 5 stages of the design cycle, is colourful, and is kid-friendly.)

October 5 - National Holiday - No School.  Enjoy your day off!!!!!

Learning Objective:  The student will create designs and communicate them using different forms and conventions, and compare the designs against the design specification.

Thursday, September 30, 2010

October 1

Year 7 - It's Friday afternoon - Hooray!  It's almost time for the weekend but before we go, let's:

1.  15 minutes typing

2.  Formulate a Design Specification. 
How can we test our product? One way would be to create a questionnaire;-)
Today we will write questions that will help us evaluate the product/solution (poster) later in the project.

Remember our design specifications is:

        The poster must:
             -include all 5 steps of the design cycle
             -be colourful
             -be kid-friendly
3.  Now let's take a closer look at Word 2010 and PowerPoint 2010.
Vocabulary you need to know:
                           Office button       Ribbon         Tab         Group
Now let's practice using Smart Art;-)
Open Word 2010 and/or PowerPoint 2010
Click on the Insert tab
Look at the Illustrations group
Find Smart Art and click on that

Please explore Smart Art

Have a great weekend Year 7!!!!!
Learning Objective:  understand the concept and importance of the design specification, and understand the importance of testing to determine the success of the product/solution and, with guidance, design a simple test.

Monday, September 27, 2010

September 28

Year 7 - Now we will Formulate a Design Specification.

What is a Design Specification?Let's think about the poster that we want to create and write some Design Specifications:

The poster must:
-include all 5 steps of the design cycle
-be colourful
-be kid-friendly

How can we test our product? One way would be to create a questionnaire
Generate (make) tool for evaluating product (poster)- let's talk about this, then include the answer on your Investigation

Learning Objective:  understand the concept and importance of the design specification, and understand the importance of testing to determine the success of the product/solution and, with guidance, design a simple test.

Sunday, September 19, 2010

September 20,21

Year 7 - You all worked REALLY hard on Friday. Well done!

1. 15 minutes typing
2. Let's talk about doing a "keyword" search

3.Now we will go on to the 2nd task in the Investigation - Develop a Design Brief.
Please do a keyword search on Google to answer the following questions:
  • What is the Design Cycle?
  • How many stages does the MYP Design Cycle consist of? Name them.
  • What Microsoft Office programs can I use to create a poster of showing the MYP Design Cycle?
Learning objectives: Students will (A3) ask useful questions about the investigation and (A6) understand the importance of questioning the value of sources of information.

Thursday, September 16, 2010

September 17

Year 7, Let's start with 15 minutes typing.

Then we will continue with the first task of the Investigation.

Let's look again at the template for the Investigate that will make this process easier for us: Click Here

Next, we will begin to work on Task 2 - Develop a Design Brief.

Please do a keyword search on Google to answer the following questions:
  • What is the Design Cycle?
  • How many stages does the MYP Design Cycle consist of? Name them.
  • What Microsoft Office programs can I use to create a poster of showing the MYP Design Cycle?
Learning objectives: Students will (A3) ask useful questions about the investigation and (A6) understand the importance of questioning the value of sources of information.

Monday, September 13, 2010

September 14

1) Let's look at the structure of the documentation process. Remember that this is a scholastic document (a formal school project) and should conform to certain standards. That means that is a school project that you must hand in and you will be graded upon this work so it has to look professional;-)

We will type in font size 12. We will type in black. We will use a formal font (Times New Roman, Calibri, Ariel).

Let's look at the template for the Investigate that will make this process easier for us: Click Here

Learning objective: understand the concept of a design brief and adapt a given design brief to the problem or, with guidance, start to develop a design brief.

Monday, September 6, 2010

September 7

Year 7,

First, let's start the class with a little typing lesson. Click here to visit Free Typing Games. This site offers free lessons and games. To become a really proficient (fast and accurate) typist, you should do a combination of both lessons and games. Lessons help because they show you where you should place your hands on the keyboard and give practice with specific letter combinations. Lessons help typing become automatic. Games are fun and help you build speed!

We will begin each class with 15 minutes typing;-)
Next, in our first Unit of Work we will learn about the Design Cycle. Our project will be to create a poster to inform others about the 5 stages of the Design Cycle:-)

Remember the goal of MYP Technology is for you to become a problem solver. Every Unit of Work will begin with a "guiding question" which is the problem that you will try to solve. The guiding question for the first Unit of Work is "How can I use Computer Technology to teach others about the Design Cycle?"

1) Let's look at the structure of the documentation process. Remember that this is a scholastic document (a formal school project) and should conform to certain standards. That means that is a school project that you must hand in and you will be graded upon this work so it has to look professional;-)

We will type in font size 12. We will type in black. We will use a formal font (Times New Roman, Calibri, Ariel).

Let's look at the template for the Investigate that will make this process easier for us: Click Here

Thursday, September 2, 2010

September 6 - WELCOME

Year 7, WELCOME to OIS and WELCOME to Technology.

Let's take a minute or two to look at the introduction to Computer Technology.

Click to play this Smilebox slideshow
Create your own slideshow - Powered by Smilebox

Now that we have an overview of expectations,

Let's Go!!!!!

Learning objective: Settle in and gain an understanding of expectations of the term.