Saturday, May 28, 2011

May 30
Year 7 - Let's practice custom animation.

Then continue creating your powerpoint presentation on OIS.

Learning objective - The student will: use different techniques and equipment, with guidance.

Friday, May 27, 2011


May 24, 27
Year 7 - Let's continue working on our PowerPoint presentations of OIS.

Design Specification:
5 slides (or more)
text with no spelling mistakes
appropriate slide transition
1 custom animation
insert image(s)
font (change colour or select custom font)

Learning objective - The student will: use different techniques and equipment, with guidance.

Blogger is Back!

Blogger is back online - hooray!

Monday, May 16, 2011

May 16

Year 7 - we have finished 1.  Identify the Problem, now let's move onto the 2.  Develop A Design Brief.  This is the section where we ask and answer questions that will help us solve our problem.