Tuesday, February 11, 2014



Year 7 it all begins with a plan!

PLAN - Criterion C
1. Resources:   Let's brainstorm and develop an appropriate resource list

2. Now, make a step-by-step production plan of what you will do to create your Scratch game and include the amount of time to complete each step.

    1.  Open Scratch, 1 minute
    2.  Click on "New" (Create an empty project), 1 minute

Continue on until you have completed all the steps you think you will need and the time that it will take you. (You may open Scratch and practice while you are making the plan.)

Finish your step by step plan.

3.Write a paragraph saying why you think your plan will work. Include the fact that you have done a tutorial and have had experience using Scratch;-)

IB Learner Profile: Thinker

Learning objectives: The student will devleop a basic time line and write instructions for making the product/solution.


Design - Criterion B

Year 7, on to the Design.

I would like you to design two (2) different games.

You will write 1 detailed paragraph for each game.  It should include:
  • the name of the game
  • explain how the game will work
  • what sprites you will use
  • colours you will use 
  • and any other important information
Remember that each design must meet your design specification.

You can use this link to help you get started: http://nebomusic.net/scratch.html 

IB Learner Profile: Risk-taker

Learning objective: The student will create designs and communicate them.

Scratch Tutorial


 Year 7, your goal is to be able to make a game with Scratch so you need to look at and understand what kind of games it is possible to make.

1. In order to do this you need to PLAY some Scratch games. Woohoo!

Check out this link to get started: http://scratch.mit.edu/galleries/view/138298

Let's have some fun!

2. After, write a paragraph listing all the features that you have learned from your tutorial in Scratch. Cite your work and include the URL of the tutorial.

IB Learner Profile: Inquirer