Thursday, September 30, 2010

October 1

Year 7 - It's Friday afternoon - Hooray!  It's almost time for the weekend but before we go, let's:

1.  15 minutes typing

2.  Formulate a Design Specification. 
How can we test our product? One way would be to create a questionnaire;-)
Today we will write questions that will help us evaluate the product/solution (poster) later in the project.

Remember our design specifications is:

        The poster must:
             -include all 5 steps of the design cycle
             -be colourful
             -be kid-friendly
3.  Now let's take a closer look at Word 2010 and PowerPoint 2010.
Vocabulary you need to know:
                           Office button       Ribbon         Tab         Group
Now let's practice using Smart Art;-)
Open Word 2010 and/or PowerPoint 2010
Click on the Insert tab
Look at the Illustrations group
Find Smart Art and click on that

Please explore Smart Art

Have a great weekend Year 7!!!!!
Learning Objective:  understand the concept and importance of the design specification, and understand the importance of testing to determine the success of the product/solution and, with guidance, design a simple test.

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