Monday, January 10, 2011

January 11, 14, 17

Good Morning Year 7.

1. 15 minutes typing,

2. Now it's time to start researching:
  • Remember that you need to keep the URL of the sites you visit when you research. Let's use in-text referencing. (Copy and paste the URL after you write your answer.),
  • Write in complete sentences.
2.  Develop a Design Brief

A.) What global issue topic will I focus on? (choose a global issue topic),
B.) Find 6 images for your topic (save these images to a file in your computer) AND (save URL of each image for referencing purposes),
C). What information about my global issue topic do I think is important to include in my pamphlet to raise awareness? (research topic and collect information that you can include in your pamphlet (save URL for each site you visit for referencing purposes).
D) How can we help?
E) What organizations are helping?  (WWF, Greenpeace, . . .)

Learning objective: The student will develop research strategies, record sources and document learning.

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